that was soo funny, I have no idea what it was about but I feel like being enlighten!!!!!!
that was soo funny, I have no idea what it was about but I feel like being enlighten!!!!!!
what a waste
what a waste of animation potential. This show is going nowhere. Characters are trivial and dialogs are even worst than fucking legendary frog shit. That was so boring I fighting myself to finish it. It seems this series will never ands.
Yeah I know!!! >:<
I know, Albatross is an icon of existentialism
animations are very nice and calm smoothly, nice done. But voice acting, seems to me not so good as it could be. Especially male voice. 4/5
The Albatross
Often, to amuse themselves, the men of a crew
Catch albatrosses, those vast sea birds
That indolently follow a ship
As it glides over the deep, briny sea.
Scarcely have they placed them on the deck
Than these kings of the sky, clumsy, ashamed,
Pathetically let their great white wings
Drag beside them like oars.
That winged voyager, how weak and gauche he is,
So beautiful before, now comic and ugly!
One man worries his beak with a stubby clay pipe;
Another limps, mimics the cripple who once flew!
The poet resembles this prince of cloud and sky
Who frequents the tempest and laughs at the bowman;
When exiled on the earth, the butt of hoots and jeers,
His giant wings prevent him from walking.
- William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
that was preety good!!
I like a lot the way you menage the camera, this is new trends of making space fights. Very smooth. Ship acrobatics are also very honesty made, U know, the earliest space fights in movies where very crappy, like in starwars.. ships act like they where flaying in atmosphere, they were acting like simple aircrafts. Which mean no flaying backwards or rotation this is shown in battlestar galactica - especially first cylon attac. Any way great work hope it gets on front page.
I hope it gets frontpaged too, it would be sweet! Maybe when I develop the story a little bit more, people will take notice, but until then, i'll just keep on chuggin' along because it's bloody fun!
Love it
I have "the perfect picnic" in my fev from sooo long, I started to thing You never make another so great performance. I'm glad You keep it in same wreaked divine stile as first flash I saw from you. I smell German extravagancy in Your style, If I can say that. Great work wonderful stile. I'm so full thank You... :3
great animation. bUT
This song we are the children make me vomit, it is soo shitty that .. never mind. This great flash from being some kind of pacifism propaganda become thanks to this dancing scenes and song some parody. I don't think it was Ur wish. Btw wars are inevitable.
that was good
I truly HATE all kind of skate flashes, coz I HATE skaes, anyway this was really good made one, I like sense of humor, random and bloody ... u have my 5. Cheers and b healthy
that wasn't actually as good as original, sense of humor smell LF quietly.. :(
There exist only three respectable beings: the priest, the warrior, the poet. To know, to kill, and to create. Charles Baudelaire
Joined on 4/13/04